Scandalous Podcast

Scandalous Podcast | AJ Channer of Fire From the Gods

Episode Summary

Without meaning to, and it's always a surprise to me when I do this, but when I listen to Fire From the Gods his voice is so beautiful that it brings me to tears, and it's happened to me more than once. He shares his experiences with the world in our conflicts and triumphs, social justice, and hopes for things to be better than they are. Maybe one day, I can't wait to talk all about it. Welcome back to the Scandalous Podcast, AJ Channer of Fire From the Gods. In this episode, we discover the inspiration behind AJ's deep lyrics, what it's like to meet his rock idols, their upcoming album, and life when he was a young aspiring rockstar. To keep up with AJ and the Fire From the Gods, listen to their album Soul Revolution, catch them on the road for their upcoming shows, and follow below. Follow: Merch: